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Planning for Joy! Back to School Prep
for Infants, Toddlers & Twos


Imagine and plan for joyful spaces for infants and toddlers for the new school year. Whether you are just getting started or seeking ideas for rejuvenating your environment, it’s always helpful to start with a clean slate and a young child’s viewpoint. Come along as we share ideas and tips for setting up your room as a safe, nurturing, and engaging environment that welcomes infants and toddlers and their families. In this webinar, we explore effective strategies for furniture arrangement, essential materials to set up, right from day one and proven classroom rituals and routines that foster joy and connection. Get ready to create a welcoming and organized environment that supports connection and discovery right from the start!


Planning for Joy! Back to School Prep for Infants, Toddlers & Twos


Imagine and plan for joyful spaces for infants and toddlers for the new school year. Whether you are just getting started or seeking ideas for rejuvenating your environment, it’s always helpful to start with a clean slate and a young child’s viewpoint. Come along as we share ideas and tips for setting up your room as a safe, nurturing, and engaging environment that welcomes infants and toddlers and their families. In this webinar, we explore effective strategies for furniture arrangement, essential materials to set up, right from day one and proven classroom rituals and routines that foster joy and connection. Get ready to create a welcoming and organized environment that supports connection and discovery right from the start!