Rainbow Accents® KYDZ® Maple Top Activity Tables
Product Detail
ECERS-3: Furnishings for care, play and learning 3.1 - Enough furniture for routine care, play, and learning (Ex: each child has some place to store personal possessions; enough shelves for toys, books, and other materials).
ECERS-3: Furnishings for care, play and learning 5.2 - Chairs and tables are child-sized for 75% of the children (Ex: when sitting back in chair: feet touch floor, knees fit comfortably under table, table tops at elbow height).
ECERS-3: Furnishings for care, play and learning 5.1 - Ample furniture for routine care, play, and learning (Ex: children's possessions stored without items touching those of another child; children eat or work at tables without crowding; the vast majority of materials are not crowded on shelves).